Keep Coffee Simple for Waste Reduction Week

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Keep Coffee Simple for Waste Reduction Week

coffee wasteWaste Reduction Week runs from October 17th – 23rd, 2016 throughout Canada. And we thought this is a great time to talk about something we all love over here at our office…coffee.

Coffee is a simple drink that we’ve complicated for the sake of convenience.

Unfortunately, this convenience has a negative impact on our environment. Take-out coffee cups, and single-serve coffee pods are not accepted in Quinte’s blue box program, and should be disposed as regular garbage.

But there are options.

  1. Brew your own coffee. Put that pod machine away, and pull out the old drip coffee maker. The filter and the grinds are 100% compostable in a backyard composter or your municipal green bin.  A coffee press is even less wasteful, as a filter is not needed.
  2. Use a reusable travel mug. Most coffee shops offer a discount on a cup of coffee if you bring your own mug. Save money and create less waste? Yes, please!
  3. When dining-in to meet up with a group of friends, or business colleagues at your favourite coffee shop, ask for a REAL mug. The coffee tastes better and you’re generating less waste.

There’s nothing better than a really great cup of coffee, except when there’s nothing but garbage left over. This Waste Reduction Week, let’s all do our part to keep coffee simple.

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